Re: /dev/tcp, and a LD_LIBRARY_PATH question.

anthony baxter (
Sun, 04 Dec 1994 01:10:46 +1100

> Second question: How can I write a program that keeps the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> variable from being exploited? i.e. the SUN 'login' bug where LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> got exploited. I would ASSUME I could prevent this by doing something like:
> putenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), but that just seems too simple to be a true fix. 

A better solution is to smash the _entire_ environment flat, except for
specific ones, such as TZ, that can be reasonably assumed to be safe (I
hope - anyone broken into a system with the TZ variable? :-)

You can never be sure what new undocumented environment variables exist
that could be a security hole.

ObBugDetectingHint: (I thought this to be obvious, but I've mentioned it
to a few people who hadnt realised it, so may as well send it on)

You can get an idea for whether a program is doing something stupid like a
system() or popen() with 'strings'. For example, something like 

/bin/mail %s

is usually a bit of a giveaway that someone is doing something stupid, and
you might be able to break it.

(bonus points if you can spot the program that the above is from :-)
